Picture the delightful sight of your baby rolling over during sleep – a small yet wonderful milestone that signifies the journey ahead. This exciting period is filled with anticipation, but it's also true that it might disrupt your baby's sleep routine. As a parent, it's important to be prepared for these changes. This article is your helpful guide through the adjustments and transitions that come with your baby's newfound rolling skills.

Changes in Sleep Patterns
The moment your baby starts rolling over, their sleep might shift a bit. Naps might get shorter, and they might wake up more often at night. But don't worry, I'm here to shed light on this phase and help you manage it.
How Rolling Unfolds
Rolling is a big deal for babies, and they learn it in two steps: first from their tummy to their back, and then from their back to their tummy. You might spot your newborn seeming like they're ready to roll, but this is more of a leftover reflex. Babies start mastering this skill around 4 months old, usually by rolling from their tummy to their back. Once their muscles get stronger, they'll figure out how to roll from their back to their tummy, usually a few months later.
Adjusting to Rolling During Sleep
When rolling enters the sleep scene, a few things need adjusting. If your baby was swaddled, it's time to stop. They need their arms to roll and breathe comfortably. You might want to switch to a baby sleeping bag, which keeps them warm while allowing movement. If your baby rolls onto their tummy while sleeping, that's okay as long as their arms are free. And if they're a bit fussy, you can gently guide them back to their back while using soothing techniques.
Helping Your Baby's Progress
Here are some strategies to help your baby adjust to rolling:
Practice Makes Perfect: When they're awake, encourage your baby to practice rolling over. Place toys nearby to keep them interested.
Give Them Time: If your baby rolls onto their tummy while sleeping, give them a chance to try rolling back on their own. This helps them develop their skills and independence.
Lend a Hand: If needed, gently help your baby roll back onto their back. Keep the sleep environment soothing for a smooth transition.
Safety is a Priority
Ensuring your baby's safety is crucial during this phase:
Once your baby can roll from back to tummy, it's time to stop swaddling to reduce any risks.
Set up a secure sleeping area with no loose bedding, pillows, or toys.
Choose breathable, natural fabrics like cotton or merino for sleepwear.
Always start with back sleeping, even if they roll over, as long as their arms are free.

Wrapping Up: Embracing Change
The journey of babies rolling in their sleep showcases their amazing growth and skills. While this phase might cause some sleep shifts, it also marks a new stage of exploration. By understanding the process, adjusting sleep routines, and offering patient support, you can navigate this phase confidently. Trust that, as your baby masters rolling, peaceful nights of sleep will return to your home.
If your little one's sleep is disrupted during this time, I can help you get back on track. Drop me a message or Whatsapp me on 07768124120.